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Belt and Road

Belt and Road Initiative for Hopequan Lighting Business

Based on the core concept of the Belt and Road, Hopequan Lights&Lighting Wholesale supplier will take the following measures to follow the Belt and Road policy:

Expanding markets: We will actively explore the markets of countries along the Belt and Road to find business opportunities and partners. By strengthening market research and understanding local needs, we will provide products and services that meet the needs of local markets and contribute to local economic development.

Sustainable development: We will focus on sustainable development and give full consideration to environmental, social and economic sustainability during project implementation. By promoting the application of green technologies and environmental protection measures, we will endeavour to achieve a balance between economic development and environmental protection.

We believe that following the Belt and Road policy will bring our company a broader market and more opportunities for cooperation. We will make continuous efforts to promote the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative with all parties and contribute to common development.

The Belt and Road is a Chinese initiative aimed at promoting cooperation and development among countries along the route. The following is an overview of the member countries of the Belt and Road and their development prospects:

  1. Asia:
  • China: as the initiator of the Belt and Road, China is committed to promoting infrastructure development, trade cooperation and humanistic exchanges. China’s development will bring great opportunities to the Belt and Road member countries.
  • Southeast Asian countries: including Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. These countries have great potential for development in infrastructure construction, trade and tourism.
  • Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries are located in the western part of China, with rich energy resources and geographic location advantages, the Belt and Road will bring more cooperation opportunities for these countries.
  • 2.European region:
  • Central and Eastern European countries: including Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc. These countries are located at the border of Europe and Asia, and the Belt and Road will promote their trade co-operation and infrastructure construction with China.
  • Western European countries: including Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. The ports and logistics facilities of these countries will become important nodes of the Belt and Road, strengthening trade ties with China.


  • East African countries: including Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, etc. These countries have huge development needs in the areas of infrastructure, energy and agriculture, and the Belt and Road will provide support for them.
  • North African countries: including Egypt, Morocco, etc. These countries are geographically important, and the Belt and Road will promote their trade with Eurasia.

4.Middle East:

  • Countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia have great potential in the areas of energy, infrastructure and finance, and the Belt and Road will bring more investment and co-operation opportunities to these countries.

The core concept of the Belt and Road is to promote cooperation and development among the countries along the route and to advocate the principle of joint construction and sharing. The following is an overview of the core concepts of the Belt and Road:

1. Consultation: The Belt and Road advocates that participating countries jointly formulate cooperation plans and policies through dialogue, consultation and cooperation on an equal footing. Countries should fully respect each other’s sovereignty and interests, resolve differences and reach consensus through dialogue.

2. Co-construction: The Belt and Road encourages countries along the route to strengthen cooperation in infrastructure construction, trade and investment. Through co-construction and co-investment, infrastructure will be upgraded, connectivity will be promoted, and economic cooperation and regional integration will be strengthened.

3. Shared Benefits: The Belt and Road aims to achieve win-win cooperation and allow countries along the route to share the fruits of development. Through the promotion of trade and investment, it will raise the level of economic development, improve people’s well-being and achieve sustainable development.

The core concept of the Belt and Road emphasises the principles of equality, openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit. It encourages countries to solve common challenges through cooperation and promotes economic development and regional integration. At the same time, the Belt and Road also focuses on interfacing with other international and regional cooperation mechanisms, linking with the United Nations sustainable development goals and other international initiatives to promote global cooperation and development.

Win-win Cooperation, develop together is our Hopequan lighting business goal!



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